Abortion Day Updates & Mom Testimonies
Knowing 30-50 babies are aborted each week can be discouraging but Jesus gives us hope by allowing the mobile clinic missionaries to give a few mothers the hope and refuge in Jesus allowing them to choose life over death. Despite the efforts of the abortion workers to block our message of God’s love, our missionaries continue to pursue these mothers with grace. Pictured is a baby whose mother said "Yes!" to life for her baby! She was so excited to see her healthy baby moving and waving at her! Praise God for this miracle! If this story inspires you, please consider joining us by praying & giving to make His ministry available. To God be ALL the glory!
Funding Update + 6 Babies SAVED!! *Must See update. Click here:
**CLOSING** of the Mobile Clinic Ministry. PLEASE WATCH 2 min update:
Never, ever underestimate the power of Your prayer over the mobile clinic ministry missionaries at the abortion clinic and the moms going in for their abortion appt. You ARE God’s Army! Jesus is smiling! Thank You!
You Made Mother's Day HAPPY for Over 200 Moms That Chose LIFE on Mobile Clinic! Enjoy A Few Memories of God's Miracles & Gratitude For You Making His Ministry Possible
God Shows His Gift Of Twins To Dad Who Has No One.
Conviction: Babies Are dying over money. Heartbreaking. Dire straits. Grieving the spirit that Planned Parenthood was given 80 Billion and mobile clinic ministry going to abortion clinic that still performing abortions has not received enough funding to continue to go. Please pray for miracle giving.
Contact me if you need details:
Pollyanna 334-221-2211
Critical Update--Over 50 babies aborted this week. A Tragedy - Christ was not represented like needed.
You missed christmas miracle! Mom threatened deportation & God intervened: BABY SAVED & mom saved! God IS in the intimate details. We do need your help to continue in 2023. Options to donate are listed below. Thank you for helping them LIVE!
“Should this child live or die?” Asked by baby’s parents. A MUST SEE: click here:
Baby jumps for mom on ultrasound! Thank YOU for protecting these babies! Click here to watch:
December 3, 2022
The Ugly Truth Changed Dad's Mind who was forcing wife to abort their baby. Don't Miss Video How God Moved His Heart -
November 16, 2022
November 13, 2022
November 13, 2022
November 12, 2022
College Students Choose LIFE for TWINS! BEST STORY. Click Here to Meet Twins
November 11, 2022
November 5, 2022
Watch Video To Hear Mom’s Excitement Over Seeing Baby’s Heartbeat! Thank YOU For Your Support That Makes Saving Babies’ Lives Possible!!
October 3, 2022
Twice God Makes The Baby’s Due Date A Grandparent’s BIRTHday! Click Here to See VIBRANT Heartbeat:
September 17, 2022
od SAVED 5 MORE BABIES THIS PAST WEEK! Praise God. Click Here to listen How God Moved Each Parent From Choosing Death To LIFE!!
September 15, 2022
September 11, 2022
September 10, 2022
*** MUST SEE*** 4 BABIES SAVED THIS WEEK!! Watch here too hear each mom’s story- You will be BLESSED by it!
August 27, 2022
2 Babies Saved - In Most Fearful, Difficult Environment Yet- Hear How Abortion Workers Treating Women Harshly-
PRAISE GOD -Over 110 Babies Saved By God At The Abortion Clinic !!
August 21, 2022
July 22, 2022
July 13, 2022
June 24, 2022

May 8, 2022
Almost 90 Mothers Celebrate Mother’s Day Today b/c YOU Prayed Protection Over Them! This Week 5 Mothers Were Helped SIMULTANEOUSLY! How? Watch 2 Mins To Know How God Did It.
I’m so glad that GOD Called You To His Mobile Clinic Ministry.
April 5, 2022
Sadly It was too late. Mom called for the abortion reversal pill but it was too late. Prayers needed for her and more shared on this past week’s update. Pray for baby shown in video that was aborted Saturday.
Please take a few mins to watch and pray:

January 30th, 2022
12 Year Old Educated: It’s A BABY!!
Pray for mom that took
Abortion Pill REVERSAL PILL-Baby Has A Heartbeat!
Pray for Mom W/ Heart Condition & also for Mom in Domestic Violence Husband Slung Her By Her Hair Threatened Her That “If You Don’t Get Abortion I Will Take It Out of You!!” Helping That Brave Mom Escape So She Is Free To Have Her Baby! Please Pray for Moms That Took Abortion Pill Today Will Call For The Reversal Pill.
January 22, 2022
God reached 50 Saved Babies today‼️‼️
I just finished reconciling our list after we have contacted them this week. I could not believe my eyes when I realized that God literally reached 50 saved babies on the Anniversary of R v W court case that legalized abortion. !
I counted 3 times!
God Is Making A Huge Statement!
Your Faith In Action by Prayer and Giving Made God’s Will Be Done By Putting
WHS Mobile Clinic at the Abortion Clinic!
December 7, 2021
5 Chose Life This Week‼️ BE INSPIRED BY Rape Victim - Church Teen Leader - Domestic Violence Victim & 15-Year-Old ALL Chose Life‼️ HEAR 4 BraveMoms’ Stories Choosing Life AFTER Rape & video footage of saved babies. WORTH THE WATCH
November 27, 2021
Please pray for a 15-year old that we will be seeing tomorrow. She is 12 weeks pregnant, father was adopted but wants her to abort because “it will ruin her life“. Her mother says she is letting her make the decision (she’s only 15!) That’s too much responsibility for a 15-year-old so tomorrow we will get to give her an ultrasound and share with her and Karen will be able to share her experience of having her child at 17 and the blessing that her son is and another mom that had her baby at 15 will also come to encourage her. So please pray between now and 6 PM tomorrow because we will drive Mobile clinic to Columbus to meet them at 4:30 on Sunday. Thankful for your prayers. Could NOT do this without You praying us through!! Text us if you are praying. It encourages us.
Thank you.️️
November 26, 2021
27 Babies Saved from their appointment for death, grateful parents, grandparents, siblings, and all that would have suffered loss saved from the aftermath of abortion that most do not talk about but suffers alone. Thankful for each of you that had more faith than fear to give of your time in prayer and of your financial blessings so God’s Will could be done through WHS mobile clinic. We love serving alongside each of you for God’s Glory.
November 22, 2021
Breaking News‼️
A God-Send‼️
Weekly Update
3 Abortion Appts CANCELLED‼️
November 14, 2021
3D Ultrasound-*** Listen To Mom SQUEAL With Excitement Seeing Her Baby’s FACE. 3D Ultrasound Helps Mom Bond With Her Baby - Pray for mom getting out of a relationship of domestic violence. We helped her see her worth through Jesus’ view of her. Also please pray for mom possibly trafficked.
October 31, 2021
Abortion worker chooses life
October 23, 2021
Hear the Heartbeat!! So cool!
18 Babies Saved! Praise God. HEALING After Abortion Info at the end! Please Share!
October 4, 2021
August 18, 2021
PLEASE- PRAYER NEEDED PLS! Please pray for Kee Kee’s baby Ja'Mon born last March. He and his 5-year-old brother Karter have Covid. Kee Kee asked for prayers for all the family to stay safe and healthy! Please ask others to pray!
August 13, 2021
It will mean so much to have you come pray with us because YOUR PRAYERFUL SUPPORT GOT IT HERE! Now it is time to lay hands on the mobile clinic to PRAY HER UP BEFORE DRIVING HER ONTO THE MISSION FIELD‼️️
June 27, 2021
***3 MOMS changed their minds, canceled their abortion appts to give LIFE to their babies. Praise God for changing their hearts. ****
Kee Kee, the very first mom I ever talked to at the abortion clinic, went with me today to talk to women walking into the abortion clinic.
June 20, 2021
To think 90% of babies with Down syndrome are aborted is such a tragedy. They understand unconditional love closer to Jesus’ love than any of us. At one time, I helped a couple with DS that was Married when I had my job at McAdams Carpets. It was sad how they were so concerned I was going to take advantage of them, because, so many people, when they were purchasing large items, took advantage of them. That was 30 years ago. I love that this couple is an example of the true commitment of marriage and the covenant of marriage to be married 25 years! We all can learn from them.
June 3, 2021
I’m going to Atlanta every week to be a team player after talking with the executive director and her amazing staff of their mobile ultrasound medical clinic in Atlanta that was parking at the mall and the sidewalk advocates that are at one of the MANY Abortion Clinics in Atlanta. I’ve committed to go for all of us to work as a team to strategically plan so we assist women to go to the mobile clinic. This past week was the fourth time I’ve worked with the people that are already sidewalk advocates there and the mobile clinic that is now parked near the abortion clinic so, with the Holy Spirit guiding, we come up with a way for God to lead them to his hope and refuge on the mobile clinic. ***God is using this to prepare me for when we do this in Columbus and today 3 moms got an opportunity to see past her fear to choose God’s way and chose life. They each had Abortion Appointments! CANCELLED IN THE NAME OF JESUS!!
Prayer Is the foundation that God can build upon. So I sincerely thank you for your fervent prayer and commitment to prayer.
May 26th, 2021
Good morning. I want to share how God affirms He is in the intimate details of my life because sharing His presence in our own lives, grows each other’s awareness. At least it has in my life, when hearing others share. Today, sitting outside in my quiet time with Jesus, and yes, I put a picture of Him outside because it helps me focus and not let my mind stray to other things by having His picture front and center. Needing to surrender to Him each and every day, I need all the help I can give myself to be assured I focus on Him at the beginning of my day, so I am certain that I go out in my day In HIS strength, not my own.  Today, He had me thinking about the upcoming days which are the days that preceded the day Bernie went to heaven two years ago June 1. He made me think about specifically what I should do to prepare my heart, and it was in a way that I normally do not give myself time like He was showing me that I will need, and my children will need my availability and presence. I started to end my quiet time with Him, but he made me feel an overwhelming sense to read from the daily devotional book the devotional for this specific day May 26. I read from this devotional daily, but I have been picking random days to read, up until today. When I read today’s devotional that was about Jesus morning his friend Lazarus, I knew in an instant that Jesus was letting me know that He hurts with me and my children, and all that Miss Bernie here on earth, no matter how much we are so very happy that he is in heaven with Jesus.
Just think about how much this meant to me to read Him truly consoling me through speaking directly to me through this devotional. Yes, it is profound, but it is so loving of Him to touch me so I am certain I know His Love and genuine Care that He will continue to give me through grieving the loss of Bernie here on earth and my children’s feelings of loss.
Also, where today’s devotional said Jesus mourned when he overlooked the city of Jerusalem that was soon to be destroyed and that Jesus mourns overall losses and devastations that fill the human heart with pain, that also spoke to me about how Jesus mourns the pain each person feels and endures after an abortion. Oh how He mourns over each person that has suffered by being misled to believe that abortion was the answer when it was actually so self-destructive to the mother and father of the baby, to the family members and friends that directly, or indirectly, encouraged it and the babies lives that have been lost that have not been able to live out God‘s purpose He planned. Jesus mourns for the loss the mom and dad, and all involved, have experienced that stifled them from living out God’s purpose for them fully because it has made each person feel distant from God at some point. Many women, and also men, have shared with me personally how they felt distant from God after the abortion, not because God was distant from them, but because the shame and guilt made them feel unworthy of God’s love and forgiveness, which is untrue, but nonetheless, has been felt for many for years and years carrying that burden. That is why any and everyone involved with an abortion needs to experience healing, and the only true way to experience complete healing is to go through a healing program specifically for Post Abortion. Even though I have not personally had an abortion, I have felt the pain and the above feelings I am sharing with you now over the abortion a friend of mine had. I hope my sharing that I went on a healing retreat encourages each of you that have either experienced an abortion, or been a part of being there with someone by directly, or even indirectly, encouraging that person to have an abortion, I hope and pray you will give yourself what you truly deserve, healing through Jesus. I know the Lord’s heart is grieved and I thank each of you that have come alongside God‘s mission through Women’s Health Services to show Him that we do care and we are building His army to protect his children – which are the mothers and fathers and their babies, and any and everyone involved - each made in His Image. Therefore, building His Army to Protect the Image of God thru making WHS possible. I am truly humbled and honored to serve alongside each of you! Thank you for your prayerful support and your financial sacrifice was given to the Lord. I pray right now at this moment for God to Bless Each and Every One of you today and every day. Much love. ️
Post Abortion Healing Options
* 2 Day Retreat Friday - Sunday retreat: Rachel’s Vineyard
- led by Pat
About: https://www.rachelsvineyard.org/
Find one nearest you -enter your zip code: https://www.rachelsvineyard.org/weekend/sites.aspx
* Online option: www.HerChoiceToHeal.com
* 8 week option - meet once a week 2 hrs
Forgiven and Set Free
Surrender The Secret
- led by Linda Bizilia - (334) 703-2194
meet once a week for an hour to two, then take what you’ve learn and process it, and do some homework
The leaders of the groups recommend an in-person if possible.
May 22, 2021
WHS first baby born, Ja’Mon’s Momma Kee Kee sent a video of his first smiles & talking! With only $9K left to raise to be operational so more moms can be given the hope and support to be able to cancel their abortion Appt to choose LIFE IN ABUNDANCE HERSELF & HER BABY!
If you are thinking about donating to be a part of God’s Mission at WHS, now is the time! We hope to serve alongside you! You can also share with someone you care about to BLESS THEM!!
May 22, 2021
With only $9K left to raise, I hope you will join in the fight on the frontlines with us. Thank you to each and everyone that has accepted God’s Call. Please share with someone you care about to BLESS THEM!!
May 20, 2021
Only $11K left to raise but it is still $11K.
That could be 11 people given $1000.
It could be 22 people giving 500.
It could be 206 people giving $50.
I don’t know if God is calling you to give or how much He is calling you to give. Only you know how much He wants you to help. All I know is that He has asked me to share with His People what is needed so He can guide each person He is calling to help him accomplish His Purpose and mission through WHS! He may be using you as a conduit to reach someone else that He is calling. So pray over that and share this with anybody that you feel led to share it with. There’s no denying that time is of the essence. We are here. This is it. Almost won’t count. I love serving alongside each of you! God is going to make this happen and I am so excited to claim the victory for HIS Glory with each of you! It’s truly exhilarating to serve Jesus alongside so so many people that are loving making this happen for Him So we can protect the image of God literally at the doorstep at the abortion clinic!️️
May 16, 2021
Good morning ️️ Happy Sabbath.
God needs His Believers to give of their financial blessings He has given them to provide the needed balances by the deadlines ($29K by Monday-tomorrow and $39,400 by May 30) for His ministry to not be delayed to start saving lives - moms and dads, and their babies lives - at the doorstep of the abortion clinic. Please pray over who God may have you contact with this information and immediate need. The first pic is the update from today written in pen. The 2nd pic is the update from last week
I can email it to you if needed. Please reply to me by text for me to receive immediately.
Praying and surrendering to Jesus each day to serve Him through His ministry Women’s Health Services. Thank you to each of you that have responded to God’s Call on your life for His Purpose to be accomplished through Women’s Health Services by prayerfully and financially providing to make this a reality for HIM.
May 14, 2021
Please help us reach these critical goals so we can get the mobile clinic needed for us to serve as the very last lifeline to mothers and their babies at the doorstep of the abortion clinic! We could LOSE THE Mobile Clinic vehicle the manufacturer has ready For US if we cannot pay the $51K balance now. It could be given to the next person in line. Please share this and help Rally The Troops to make this happen for Jesus!
May 6th, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6th, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6th, 2021
May 6th, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6th, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
Why We Need Mobile Clinic
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
May 6, 2021
“Do you know what Got me?”
Mom wanted to know the truth.
May 6, 2021
First Live Video After An Abortion Day. I actually made this video to give the board members and our Core Team an update That video because writing it was too much! It kicked off doing live videos at the abortion clinic as updates!
It includes when I met Kee Kee, the very first mom God led me to talk to at the abortion clinic.
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